Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome 2012

January is a busy month in Kindergarten!  DIBELS testing is done and we are having fun!  We just completed a unit on Winter including winter, snowmen and all about weather.  We ended the unit with a week devoted to learning about matter.  I introduced matter with a video showing us that all things are matter and can be in the form of solid, liquid or gas.  We started the investigation with a glass of ice and an electric skillet and we discovered that water can be in the form of solid, liquid or gas.  We painted with snow cubes which mysteriously began a solid and ended a liquid.  The experiment the children loved the most was discovering the fastest way to melt an ice cube!

January 16th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We learned that all people deserve to be treated with love and respect.  We are thankful that Dr. King's hard work has helped to enable that we can live his dream and achieve our dreams.  We have big dreams!!!

This week we are learning about penguins and other antarctic animals.  Our class has decided that we would not like to be a penguin.  Ice water is cold even when you cover your hand with "blubber"!  The chilren also thought that the dad has a difficult task of carrying his baby on his feet! We did have fun trying it out though!

January 26th is the 100th day of school  We had an all day celebration.  We made our own 100's tray to count our objects by 10's to 100.  We ate 100 snacks, threaded 100 beads and painted 100 dots.  Now the countdown to first grade begins.   

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